Effective: 19.04.2022
Last Update: 27.06.2022



Dear User,

Welcome to our website:  We, as United Plankton Reklam ve Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi, would like to inform you about the activities carried out on the website.


How the information we obtain regarding you and the services you request during your visit to this Web Site and your use of the services we offer as UP through this Web Site will be used and protected is subject to the conditions set forth in this ‘Privacy Policy’. By visiting this website and requesting to benefit from the services we provide through this website, you agree to the terms specified in this “Privacy Policy”.

  1. Data Controller

Our company, United Plankton, processes your personal data in the capacity of a “Data Controller” as defined in Article 3 of the Law no. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data.


  1. What kinds of personal data do we process? The ID details (name, surname, date of birth, gender), and contact details (e-mail address, billing and delivery addresses, cell phone number) that you, our customers share online, and/or by means of printed forms; as well your customer transaction information (request information, order information, billing information, customer comments), your marketing information (cookie records, shopping history, explicit or implicit user ratings), your transaction security information (IP Address Information, Website Login/Logout Information, your Username Information, your Password Information, Traffic Data, such as Connection Time / Duration) being collected during your use of the website; and/or your internet browser, and/or location data that can be collected according to your preferences in your mobile app or internet browser while using the website may be processed.
  2. Reasons for Processing Personal Data and Legal Basis:
    Your personal data listed above may be processed for various purposes such as creating special advertisements, promotions and campaigns, cross-selling, determining the target audience, executing activities that will improve your user experience by tracking your customer movements as well as developing United Plankton’s website and mobile application and customization thereof according to customer needs, execution of direct and indirect marketing, personalized marketing and remarketing activities, carrying out personalized segmentation, targeting, analysis and internal reporting activities, planning and executing market research and customer satisfaction activities as well as planning and executing customer relationship management processes and planning and execution of sales and marketing processes of products and/or services of United Plankton and its professional business partners contracted with United Plankton, planning and execution of the processes of creating and/or increasing loyalty to the products and/or services offered by United Plankton, and within the scope of carrying out communication activities with you in all these aforementioned scopes as per Article 5 clause 1 of LPPD which sets forth the legal basis of “explicit consent” and they may be shared with third parties at home and abroad within the scope of the same purposes and legal basis.
  3. Persons To Whom and Purposes For Which Personal Data Can Be Transmitted

Your personal data can be shared with our business partners, suppliers, private institutions and public institutions and public authorities in cases where it is necessary for our Company to fulfill its legal obligations within the scope of the purposes listed above. In sharing your personal data, the regulations in Articles 8 and 9 of the LPPD (Law on the Protection of Personal Data) are complied with and all technical and administrative measures are taken to ensure data security during and after the sharing process.

  1. Your Rights Regarding Processed Personal Data:

Within the scope of Article 11 of LPPD; you have the right to apply to the controller and;

  • To learn whether your personal data are processed or not;
  • To request information if your personal data are processed;
  • To learn the purpose of data processing and whether this data is used for intended purposes;
  • To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad;
  • To request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any;
  • To request the erasure or destruction of your personal data under the conditions laid down in LPPD legislation;
  • To request notification of the operations carried out, if you request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data or request the erasure or destruction of your personal data, to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
  • To object to the processing, exclusively by automatic means, of your personal data, which leads to an unfavorable consequence for the data subject, and
  • To request compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of your personal data.
  1. Application and Right to Get Information

In cases where you have any doubts regarding your personal data, please contact the United Plankton Data Controller whose address and contact information are stated on our website.

Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the LPPD, you may submit your request to our Company in writing to exercise your above-mentioned rights as per Article 11 of the same Law and apart from that, you can send your request by using the registered e-mail (KEP) address or the e-mail address that you have previously notified to our Company and registered in our systems to [email protected]  The application and information request form and the necessary explanations thereof are available on our website.

The application should contain the following;

  1. a) Your name, surname and, if the application is in writing, your signature,
  2. b) If you are a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, your TR ID number, if you are a foreigner, your nationality,

your passport number or ID number, if any,

  1. c) Your place of residence or workplace address for notification,

ç) Your e-mail address, telephone and fax number, if any, for notification,

  1. d) The subject of your request. Information and documents about the subject should be attached to the application.



Our company will conclude your requests within this scope, free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the procedure requires an additional cost, we will charge the fee indicated in the price list determined by the Board. In addition to the foregoing, only the part of your application about you will be responded, and an application about your spouse, relative or a friend will not be accepted.


By visiting the website, you will be deemed to accept that you explicitly and under no influence, consent to the processing of all your personal data mentioned above, limited to the processing purposes specified.


This ‘Information Text on the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy Policy’ is an integral part of the ‘User Agreement’ concluded between the parties, and if any of the terms thereof is invalid, the rest of the agreement and the ‘User Agreement’ shall remain valid.


Hosting Provider and Data Collector

United Plankton Reklam ve Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi

Göktürk Merkez Mahallesi Göktürk Cad. Su Venue Sitesi A Blok No: 2/4 Eyüpsultan-Istanbul

[email protected]

Web Site:


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